In 2019, Dr. Bisno asked VISTAS students Is This How Fascism Comes to America? and for many years he has shared with us an annual Supreme Court update—God Save This Honorable Court. The years —and, hopefully, the pandemic—have passed. But all is not healthy. During the first two weeks of this course we will appreciate that much of the world, including large parts of the U.S., are choosing to embrace Fascism with a white-knuckled grip … if not with guns. WHY the allure? WHAT questions should we be asking? During weeks 3 and 4, we will see that the new Court seems to be saving God (instead of the other way around) while the wall between church and state crumbles. The right to discriminate is being protected while the constitutional right to abortion has been abandoned. HOW is the Court seen from the Left and the Right? WHO is looking through rose-colored glasses? Discussion is expected to be relevant and lively!